The trademark holder provides a list of their registered trademarks that require monitoring.
The service sets up the search parameters, such as the geographic region and classes of goods and services to be monitored.
The service regularly scours through trademark databases and other pertinent sources in search of identical or similar trademarks that have been applied for or registered.
The results of the searches are reviewed by our trained professionals to determine if there is potential for infringement or other conflict.
If potential infringement is identified, the trademark holder is notified and provided with the necessary additional support to take action.
Timely identification of infringement can save both time and money, as well as protect brand reputation.
Helps identify and prevent unauthorised use of a registered trademark, protecting the legal rights of the trademark holder.
Provides valuable insights into the activities of competitors and potential shifts in market trends.
Trademarks Registered
5-Star Reviews
Countries Serviced